April 26, 2008

I've been Tagged

I've been tagged....
I am…..... always thinking about ways I can change things and make life easier!
I want... to live life to the fullest...but often get mad at myself cause I'm not motivated
I have...... so much to be thankful for.
I wish......for many things, but most importantly to give my kids the essentials in life and to teach them that all decisions have consequences...good or bad.
I hate.......listening to people talk only about negative things.
I miss.......selfishly...my free time when I was single and free spirited, emotionally.. my fear of nothing that has been overcome with anxiety...family...my grandpa who always had candy bars and jokes!
I fear.........not being around for my children when they need me
I feel..........so many emotions, its often too hard to separate them!
I hear........Lexi's sweet sleeping music through the monitor.. aaahhhh very calming
I smell.......Dots... yummy!
I crave.........chocolate (always!), less stress, and more family
I wonder..... what God has planned me and my family?
I regret........ some of my past experiences and trying to accept the things that I can not change.
I love........... my kids, my husband, my family and friends, and I love my Job!
I ache........... when I sit on my knees too long... ouch arthritis already!
I care............making sure my students at school get all the things they need to be successful in all areas of their live
I always....... want to know what I can do to help others...
I am not…...excited about the huge snow fall that just happened.. why?
I believe.........In Jesus, my family, and myself knowing I can get through all challenges in life
I dance.......... almost daily with my students and their social time
I sing............... all the time!
I cry................. when I'm frustrated, sad, and too stressed
I don’t always.........think of others first...even though I try.
I fight........ in hopes that the outcome will be better for both parties
I write........ so that all can stay updated with our family
I never.........want others to have less because of me
I listen......... to my students and kids and hope they know I respect and love each and everyone of them.
I need........... lists to make it through my day
I am happy...... when I'm with my kids, husband, family, and teaching, but most of all interacting with those I love.